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School Grounds and Safety Video
Added Sep 16, 2022
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good morning. I'm going to be relieved kind of security here I'm going to run your security thing my name is Brian you have to call mr. Brian I'm pretty much done with the corner Library you know I was thinking the way Orange versus like they've done when you're going to middle school with the west campus is it the same or very approachable if you guys have any concerns questions come on everybody Pokemon on one thing I do want to mention this year during lunch time you guys will have to stay within the boundaries due to see red line across the across the school and you will see somebody at ESPN orange shirt they're guiding euphoria then we're doing this for your safety and again if you guys have any questions or concerns please let me know hopefully we have a great and safe here okay bye bye they probably do one last time especially you sophomores coming in when the middle see us where we have our lunch there to hear our lunch cafeteria and where you can go inside and have a door made lunch next to the gym track bar right there open during lunch time and this is known as senior Square or you can hang out and have some great lunch and ride over there you have Mister Villasenor again where he's pointing at our student store for you purchase yummy items or even things such as your PE clothes are absolutely necessary if you're in PE class I have a College and Career Center that's open during lunch time in Brighton from the College and Career Center Cruiser they're ready to provide lunch and snacks for you apps for left with you we have our library which is also open to you in case you want to have some extra help from our library technician or just bought some quiet time and doing some research so right here we're right in between our call Accenture add welder Library the Red Lion area faith and in the right places consider pirate Papa Empire Plaza has a lot of space for you guys can sit and enjoy your lunch as a matter of fact right behind me I'll see that they'll be some Cruisers are available to pick up some lunch and we have to right here in this area that you're able to pick up your lunch and your snack Pirates we are here between pirate Plaza and the 300 wing and you will notice here well that we have some of the boundary Redline so just as a reminder you're staying within the boundary and there will be plenty of staff to be reminding you of our boundaries all right. These are just some in terms of how you enter school right here in facing the Downey gate you're going to walk through that gate and then as you approach the main gate this is what the main gate looks like and you'll see that we have our awesome tsp ready to greet you and check those ideas before you come in so this is area that you can answer as well as exit another entry as well as exit of area for Paramount High School doesn't call the Contreras entry and exit and we can see is where Contreras and Downey have an intersection here so this is a the point where you can come into school as love exit School entry-point is off the Rosecrans and we will have the psyche to open for you guys to enter through this area and as you approach your going to walk all they're all the way around and then you go what we call the Westgate entry here you cannot enter through the west gate for the beginning of school you have to walk all the way down and enter through the main gate K which is right over there again Westgate is only available for exiting some of you will be taking the bus and if you do have access to the bus You're Going to exit the Westgate which isn't right next to the gym in order to get your back thank you
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