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14429 Downey Ave., Paramount, CA 90723
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Student Success Video
Added Sep 16, 2022
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buckin Pirates my name is Mister Villasenor office is located Pirates Cove I oversee attendance at the plant introduce my two awesome Deeds I miss you I'm looking forward to a fabulous year with come visit at Pirate's Cove hi Mary I miss part of your other things students were so excited to start the 20 22 23 school year with all of you we're here to help you set up for success 3D we just want to share with you that miss is armina's them into the high school and that breakfast will be served at seven in the morning do you hear I was walking to your campus make sure to say hello to your staff and your ID ready are there Pirates slime with show you our location as you walk into our main entrance we are to your right so this is Pirate's Cove first thing she'll see is This Crew so yeah questions or concerns you may ask her some key points that we like to share with all of you for the 2020 to 2003 school year our Behavior expectations suspension and citation as well as student recognition Okay parents are expectations are all students are expected to adhere to school rules another was just be kind listen and follow directions the boss that respect others accept the responsibility for your actions follow School dress code and use electronic devices responsibly here is a quick glance of our dress code expectations and electronic policies information teachers will also have it posted in their classroom or you can also find it in our school website expectations are playing or fighting is not allowed use of profanity in the class are school grounds not allowed no off-campus food delivery Uber Eats GrubHub or any other kind of company are allowed we know that if you decide to engage your negative behavior it could result in Mansion Tour citation are monitor model is if you fight we sign the form of a suspension Ed code is 48 910 did everything that citation ticket which will probably result appearance for a sign of some sort other expenses that could be up for that could be included for suspension or plantations include drugs alcohol weapon intimidation as well as social media and cyberbullying and finally we want to highlight our student recognition opportunities for example monthly attendance recognition for lead Apartments colors and Sport ship Awards additionally Principal Honor Roll and honor roll for seniors we have I declared a university Celebration Day and Senior award night looking forward great school year
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Uploaded Sep 16, 2022
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