Memorial Day
Monday, May 27, 2019
It’s a day off from school,
a day to relax with friends and family,
but much more than that, it’s a day to remember
the sacrifice of American servicemen and women
who have given their lives to protect our freedom.
This Memorial Day, please take a few moments
to remember these Fallen Pirates,
who perished during the Vietnam War and
are memorialized on a monument
near the College and Career Center:
Kevin Bonjour
Bob Brandon
Roy Eugene Conrad
Rodney Lane Crane
Jerry Dearing (Pablo) Duran
Robert Elee Griffiths
James W. Holbrook Holly
Robert Elee Jackson
Dennis Lenkoski
Melvin Martz
Jimmy Miller
Tom Muren
Dave Ogden
Gary Pflaster
Richard Stitt
Stories about these heroes are attached;
If you have more information,
or know of other Pirates
who have fallen in the line of duty,
please let us know.